English Dub Review: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime “God and Demon Lord”


The plot by the seven Luminaries is revealed and the conflict is resolved.


Well, that settles that I guess. This whole big potential catastrophe was all the machinations of the faceless Seven Luminaries and, now that they are either dead from being killed by Diablo or admonished by Luminous, the threat is all over and everything can get back to peacetime stuff! I mean, there is the one that survived and is working for the Rosso family, so that’s probably gonna come back as a bigger threat down the road, but I’m sure we won’t have to deal with anything related to that for a looooooong tiiiiiiime. Or maybe in the very next half of this season, who knows. I guess what I’m getting at is that I didn’t find the ending to this arc all that satisfying, though I wouldn’t say it’s without its merits. At the risk of repeating things I’ve said in previous episode reviews (but also at risk of padding out this specific review so it all evens out), I actually don’t mind that this whole big battle can be resolved through communication and understanding. The problem is that, as we see here, the only reason it even happens at all is because of compounding manipulations and misunderstandings, and the moment those are gone, the battles, and therefore the tension, pretty much immediately deflates. It basically has the unintended side effect of making the Ten Great Saints look like total idiots who will go to war over the smallest shit.

We do at least get a glimpse at Hinata’s backstory and a little better understanding of her own motivations, although that has its issues too. Apparently she was about to start high school when she just…stumbled into this fantasy world, and maybe it’s simplified for the flashback, but it seems like she had a rather nonchalant reaction to BEING IN A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT WORLD THAN SHE WAS WHEN SHE WAS WALKING TO SCHOOL. Or maybe she was so jaded by her shitty home life that it didn’t phase her. Either way she is clearly a very messed up individual and maybe now that she’s been incapacitated by her own side, she will hopefully seek this world’s version of rehab and therapy. Then again, she works for a deeply religious cult that is easily misled, so they probably don’t believe in therapy. I suppose we’ll have to see in the next episode which will probably be a denomount of this whole arc.