Courtesy: Crunchyroll


English Dub Review: Re:Monster “Re:Start”

By David Kaldor

June 18, 2024

OVERVIEW (SPOILERS)Gobrou and his team complete getting the princess to her destination and return home. Also Gobmi finally gets her upgrade.OUR TAKEWell, that’s that on Re:Monster. In the end, well…there wasn’t really much of an ending, actually. The goal of getting the princess where she needed to be was accomplished but in probably the most rote and least interesting way possible, and while going back to the goblin village does kinda bring things full circle, it just kinda happens. It basically points to some of the bigger problems across this entire show, mainly that events seem to occur like they’re being checked off a list of plot beats and not, you know, LIKE A STORY. Similarly, major power ups and form changes happen while a character is asleep and they just deal with it after the fact, which leads me to talking about Gobmi. And yeah, if anyone who bothers to read these is actually concerned, I am aware that these characters change their names every time they power up AND I DON’T CARE. Not only do they change them like every third episode, it’s just way too much to keep track of for shit that does not matter. And it’s not like Gobmi’s newest form is all that big a change for her as a character. Like Gobrou and Gobkichi, it’s only really a slight change over her last one, but it apparently makes her Gobrou’s proper wife? Whatever.I guess it’s hard to argue that these characters haven’t come a long way since they started, beginning as little goblin kids and, in only a few months time, becoming a major mercenary group with dozens of members and now a handful of kids. It’s hard to comprehend that Gobrou is only four months old sometimes, but then we also have to remember that he has full memories of a previous life where he was least in his thirties, so…there goes all moral issues, I guess? Look, this show is not fun to think about for any stretch of time, which is unfortunate for me because now I have to go back and rewatch all twelve episodes again for the Season Review. But if my reviews mean anything to you, hypothetical reader, please don’t watch this show, I don’t want anyone to encourage there to be another season of it. It’s not worth anyone’s time to watch, make, or sell, and frankly, the only time for it to come out would’ve been right after the hype of Reincarnated as a Slime picked up, but we are well past that even if that show has its third season out right now. Just let it be done and do not reincarnate it. Oh yeah, and the red head never got a kid, and therefore no name. That’s pretty fucked up.