English Dub Review: My Hero Academia “Division”



It’s finally time for the decisive battle between heroes and villains! The plan by All Might, Aizawa, and the others has them start their fights in various places around Japan!

Our Take:

I’m always excited when an anime gets to certain parts in a manga I’ve been reading. When the manga got this far I started to lose interest because it was hard to follow what was happening. But when it gets animated it’s usually easier to follow than a manga. Honestly, I’m stoked to see what happens now because I feel like this is a series that shines when it gets adapted. It was hard to tell what the heroes plan was but it was clear as day when on the screen.

The manga is very close to wrapping up and I imagine this will be one of the last seasons of the show, maybe one more. It’s going to be the end of an era, this was one of the first anime I started as close to the beginning since Dragonball Z. It’s been a fun ride and I think I’m more excited to watch this arc than I was to read it.