English Dub Review: Gods’ Games We Play “The Three Cheats the God Brings Forth”



After Nel fails against the Bookmaster, Fay must try to win against the Bookmaster and Three Cheats.

Our Take:

I think it’s interesting that the Bookmaster even tells Fay that she is going to be cheating. To make it a little more fair she tells his teammates exactly how she will cheat. Fay and the Bookmaster play a game of Poker, but even if he wins, that isn’t how he is supposed to win. He wins the game by finding out how exactly she’s cheating.

This leads me to my biggest problem with this show, now take this with a grain of salt because maybe I’m just not smart enough. But I love it when a show leaves hints so that the viewer can potentially solve the mystery of the show itself. But for whatever reason it seems like this show doesn’t want to do that and waits until the end and gives us the answer. Now I’ll admit I haven’t rewatched any episodes of this yet so I could be wrong but usually I feel like I can at least get an idea but not here.

That isn’t to say this is a bad show by any means but for a show based around games you’d think it would be something they would try to implement. There’s nothing like getting the audience to play along as well.