Courtesy: Crunchyroll


English Dub Review: Gods’ Games We Play “The Labyrinth of No Return: Luceimia”

By Ben Schmidt

June 10, 2024



Apostles from around the world are being forced to play a game in the Luceimia Labyrinth. Unlike most games where once the player loses, they are sent back to the real world, anytime someone loses in this game, they are forced to respawn.

Our Take:

The current game that Fay and crew are playing is pretty interesting. It reminds me of someone playing Dark Souls with how unforgiving it can be. But the group keeps respawning and plugging away. One of my favorite parts was when Nel made a mistake that made the group have to respawn Fay comforted her by saying “We’re going to make a lot of mistakes, so let’s get in there and make some more!” which I thought was a great way for a leader to behave.

Eventually, they met up with another group and made more progress until they encountered a seemingly unbeatable boss. Luckily for them, the boss’s most powerful move also hurts the boss if they can dodge the attack. Unfortunately, a loot drop was a trap that re-spawned the boss after its defeat. But then a stroke of luck happened when the Undefeated God Ouroboros came to challenge Fay and it had to kill the boss. What’s going to happen now?