English Dub Review: Gods’ Games We Play “Good Game Well Played”



Will Fay and his friends face the final boss of Luceimia? Will they be able to make it out of the labyrinth alive?

Our Take:

Remember when I said this might be a two-cour show because we went past episode twelve it turns out I was wrong. This was the last episode of the season, which was a bit of a disappointment. I can’t remember when a series felt more like an advertisement than this one. I might check out the light novel but it didn’t hook me too much. It wasn’t a bad show by any means but wasn’t anything to write home about.

This arc ended well enough I suppose, what’s with these gods and how they like to play their games? The god they faced ended up being Anubis who was of course female in this version and voiced by Dani Chambers which got me on board real fast.

Fay managed to beat the unbeatable game and I would love to see how the world reacts to that. I was excited to see that and knowing this was the last episode sucks. Even I’m wondering how my season review is going to go because this was a very weird series for me. I liked it but I didn’t all at the same time.