English Dub Review: Go! Go! Loser Ranger! “The Soldier With Love, Hibiki!”



In pursuit of Fighter D, Aran Hekiru, a Blue Junior Third Rank, discovers his connection to Hibiki.

Our Take:

Remember when I compared this to a Power Ranger version of The Boys? Turns out that comparison is a little more apt than I remembered. I don’t remember seeing a ranger splatter another ranger against a wall for being insubordinate but I must not have read as far as I thought. If you didn’t think the Rangers were bad before then I’m sure you’ll change your tune now. It does stand to make the series more interesting and now we can understand why two Rangers would be willing to betray the group.

I didn’t realize how high-ranking Suzukiri was and since she was late to the meeting she got scolded. This also led to learning some more about the rank and structure of the Rangers. Blue Keeper referred to Suzukiri as Yellow’s “side-piece” which shows how he views his subordinates.

The coolest thing that happened was Hibiki and D swapping places, I love it when characters do smart things, and switching with each other mid-battle fits that criteria. I can’t wait to see what D gets up to now that he will be on the inside.