English Dub Review: Date A Live “A Battlefield That Shouldn’t Be Possible”


As Shido’s date with Reine is winding down, Reine comes to the realization that history has been rewritten. With DEM approaching, Kurumi arrives at their location to aid Shido.

Our Take

This time around, things don’t exactly go as planned for Shido’s do-over. And it’s made even worse with Westcott utilizing Rasiel’s power, DEM makes an early move, targeting Shido’s classmates. Mukuro’s Michael saves them by warping the spirits to fend off the Bandersnatch. Despite Kurumi’s timely intervention preventing her crystal from being extracted by Mio, Westcott’s actions escalate the conflict, leaving Shido, Mana, and Kotori to face overwhelming odds.

Reine’s rare moment of laughter and a kiss with Shido mark a significant yet futile attempt to change the course of events. Reine, fully aware of the altered timeline, remains steadfast in her belief as the Spirit of Origin. Mio, more formidable in this rewritten history, merges with Reine, presenting a united front against DEM. Shido’s efforts seem in vain as Westcott, leveraging his knowledge of the future, gains the upper hand. Meanwhile, Kurumi pulls another trick up her sleeve leading to a potential victory…

Overall, this episode was delivered in spades in terms of intense action and character development. The animation quality and fight sequences involving the reunited siblings kept things exciting. And as the series approaches its climax, the stakes are higher than ever, with Kurumi preparing for a decisive showdown. But with two episodes left, the proceedings are leading to promising an epic conclusion to the season.