English Dub Review: Code Geass: Rozé of the Recapture “Ice Wall”



Rozé and Ash take on a mission to rescue Kensei Kuroto, the leader of the Seven Shining Stars.

Our Take(Spoilers):

So… I think I got an answer to one of my questions from last week but I also need to make a minor correction. It wasn’t Ash that was assuming the personality of Sakuya Sumeragi it was Roze. During this episode we learned some info that leads me to believe that Roze never existed, Sakuya Sumeragi used her Geass on Ash to make him believe she is his brother and to protect him at all costs. Not only that but Ash must have done something to her in the past because she swore to kill him once her mission is complete. I hope they explain where the Roze persona came from because that still intrigues me.

I’m also a little confused on the family aspect of Sakuya. I was under the impression that who she was wanting to rescue is one of the characters from the original series. It’s been a long time since I watched that series so it seems I might be wrong. But apparently, this girl they’re trying to rescue is someone who is posing as Sakuya to keep her safe. I still have a lot of questions but one of the main things we’re here for is awesome mech action and both episodes have delivered that in spades so far.