English Dub Review: A Condition Called Love “My First Pet”


Hotaru and Saki are closer than ever, but in many ways, they’re still navigating the twists and turns of their new relationship. Thankfully, an adorable dog just may help them see new sides to each other!

Our Take

Looking beyond some of its wholesome moments, this episode seems to continue its frustrating rollercoaster of character development, swinging between happy moments and unsettling behaviors from Saki. His decision to work with Hotaru, although understandable from a relationship-building standpoint, raises concerns about his possessiveness and insecurity. Despite some initial misgivings, Saki proves competent at the job, but his actions outside of work paint a troubling picture of his mindset.

On the subject of Saki’s behavior. While his intentions may be rooted in a desire for closeness, his methods are concerning. his trust issues seem pretty damn rooted in understandable past experiences, unintentionally overshadowing the progression of his relationship with Hotaru due to his possessiveness and hostility towards others regarding the dynamics of their relationship. I know this is a lighthearted romance about two dysfunctional people, but there are so many ways this could go wrong if this was a suspense thriller.

Overall, while Saki’s efforts to spend more time with Hotaru are understandable, his methods are troubling. While some defend his actions as coming from a place of insecurity due to his past, it’s clear that his behavior often crosses the line. While this episode provides insight into Saki’s character, this also highlights the need for healthier communication and boundaries within relationships. As the series unfolds, it’s clear that Saki’s character arc will be central to the upcoming drama that’s about to unravel since the post-credits twist left me with more questions than answers as a big reveal that has hinted at a possible history that even Hotaru might not even be aware of…