Review: The Great North “Doctor? No! Adventure”


Beef starts feeling bad stuff happening in his body but is reluctant to visit the doctor while Honeybee feels anxiety after a friend notes her strange circumstances in marrying Wolf and so decides to research a seemingly unmarked grave.


It’s the second to last episode The Great North for the season, which once more dives into Beef’s ongoing shedding of insecurities, this time in regards to his health. This season has done a lot of centering, whether intentional or not, on Beef getting to the bottom of issues within himself that, for one reason or another, he has not decided to really face or look for solutions for until recently. First it was the idea of opening up about wanting to look for casual sexual hook ups, then it was opening himself up to romance with a friend (huh, that reminds me, we haven’t seen Carissa in awhile…weird), and probably some third thing that I don’t really have the time or willpower to look up because I have to go to sleep before my flight later today! But yeah, this time it’s about him realizing that he needs to go to the doctor sometime. As a self-reliant and often isolated survivalist dude, it makes sense that Beef has some apprehension about going to a medical professional who may give him some real bad news that he can’t avoid. However, as the episode goes onto tell him through Jon Hamm as his heart (who may have voiced his heart earlier this season but again, not gonna look that up because I have no time).

Meanwhile, Honeybee gets a bit of cold water in her face when she talks to a friend who thought she may have died when she (seemingly from an outside perspective) mysteriously left to get married to Wolf. While I can understand how that could seem weird to someone who doesn’t have all the details like Honeybee’s friend didn’t, we as viewers know that it was a totally loving and wholesome way of meeting and falling in love. Thankfully that’s not what is focused on, as this weird interaction instead makes her start looking up the possible origins of a gravestone marked “wife” and feeling worried she may just end up associated with these odd circumstances, which leads to a few funny mini vignettes with Judy and Dirt about possible ways that this “Wife” met her end. It leads to a neat enough conclusion, with it being revealed “Wife” is actually the woman’s last name and she actually did have an impact on things beyond her last name. So yeah, another good episode for The Great North, now to wait for the finale which will also probably be pretty good, along with the finale of Bob’s Burgers which finally reemerges! So that’s nice that these two somewhat related shows (at least in terms of production companies) can go out together for this tumultuous strike impacted season! Hopefully they’re both good because otherwise this sentence will be awkward!