Review: Grimsburg “Younger Games”


In an attempt to become immortal, Marvin drinks a special potion that causes rapid de-aging; the department hires a new lieutenant.

Our Take

I like when Grimsburg leans in to more fantasy elements and this week’s episode was the heaviest leaning thus far. For starters, we’re learning about Kang’s immortality (which I hope is a real thing seeing as how the episode ended), and then a whole premise about Marvin getting younger was really well done. Quite frankly, I actually preferred the younger Marvin because I thought his dialogue was wittier and even better delivered the old-man Hamm’s. Asif Ali guest-starring as the new lieutenant was a breath of fresh air and I actually hope we get more of Asif in the future.

The penultimate episode of Grimsburg has a lot going for it in what I hope is a brighter future for FOX’s freshman series. The show concludes it’s first season next week and an a lot of ways I think the show is trying to find itself but if we can get more episodes like “Younger Games” then I think FOX might have a bit of a winner here.