English Dub Review: The Duke of Death and His Maid “The Duke, Alice, and Sade’s Love”



The Duke and Alice get a very unexpected pair of visitors at the mansion.

Our Take:

This anime is amazing when it comes to characterization but horrible at first impressions which I think is the point. No one is purely good or evil in most cases and I think that ideology shines in this episode. Up until this point we have been led to believe that Sade is some irredeemable monster. She has surely done some horrible things but at the end of the day she’s a person and there’s a reason why she does what she does. One thing I wasn’t expecting was part of it to be heartbreak because she fell in love with the Duke’s grandfather.

As a romance fan, I’m starting to feel this is one of the best anime of the genre. Not only are the Duke and Alice an adorable couple but there are plenty of side couples to root for if for some reason you don’t like the main couple. You could even root for Grandpa Duke and his wife, now that they’re traveling the world together in the afterlife. I thought I liked this series when it first started but I believe I love it.