English Dub Review: Black Butler “His Butler, Gaining Admittance”



Ciel hears some promising information: the ever-busy Head Master will be attending Weston’s traditional cricket tournament, and the student who exhibits the most sportsmanlike behavior will be invited to the Head Master’s “midnight tea party.”

Our Take:

Setting a fire to try and find someone only to find out that the person isn’t there has to be one of the biggest blunders I’ve seen in a while. As an event, I thought it would be a bigger deal but literally the next day, everyone is talking about a cricket tournament. I would have thought that an entire house catching fire would be a bigger deal but apparently what they say about the English and their sports is correct. Nothing is more important than a century-old traditional cricket match.

Not only is the cricket tournament important from a cultural perspective but the headmaster will be in attendance. The student who exhibits the most sportsmanlike behavior will be invited to the midnight tea party. Ciel wants to jump at the chance but it’s up to the headmaster to decide what they believe is “sportsmanlike” that year on a whim. But I imagine if Ciel is the best athlete on the field that will do fine, but it’s a tall order because Ciel doesn’t exactly scream “athlete”.