Cartoon Hangover Reveals Pilot For “Virtually Impossible”

Cartoon Hangover wants to get back in the business of YouTube animated shorts and is doing so with a new pilot that has just dropped for a new shorts series entitled Virtually Impossible. The series is from Dewald de la Rey with the first episode entitled “Friendship”. Here’s the series’ synopsis:

Meet Yung Beathoven, a virtual musician that lives in Metatropolis. Along with his trusty robotic best friend “Brobot”, the two set out on a mission to save enough credits so that Yung B can be smuggled out of the virtual realm and follow his dream of becoming a viral musician in the real world. Through battling an evil french pigeon squad to befriending an irresponsible party bear and trying to get the love of his life, Tiger Lily, to notice him, watch as Yung Beathoven and Brobot get into tricky, weird and often questionable situations, all in an attempt to follow a dream.

The series is being produced by E.I.E PRODUCTIONS from Cape Town, South Africa and if this short is indicative of the type of stuff we’re going to see from Cartoon Hangover, this long-forgotten YouTube channel may be back in business in a big way.