Review: Royal Crackers “Tracker”


After Matt embarrasses the family, Stebe and Theo decide to discipline him the way their father used to, by leaving him to fend for himself in the middle of nowhere.

Our Take

Between the constant references to nu-metal and now backyard wrestling, Royal Crackers Jason Ruiz is showing all of the signs of a Jane Goodall of nineties kids like me who must have spent a lot of time with us whilst hiding in the shadows, taking notes, only to come back several years later to make a TV show where he’d get even on all of us. Between the nu-metal references and now zeroing in on backyard wrestling, this show is slowly dripping into every nineties/early 2000’s kernel much in the same way MacFarlane did at the start of Family Guy and that show’s constant references to the late 70’s/early eighties.

Bravely, this week’s episode features a multitude of plots all sewn into one. Between all the boys being split up and having to fend for themselves or Deb’s altruistic ways in dealing with company problems, and even getting some shots of Theo Sr. for good measure, Royal Crackers had a lot going on this week. For the most part, everything works here. I’m not sure we’re getting anything revolutionary like last week’s episode, but everything’s here and it fits nicely into a neat little package.

The jokes are all over the place for “Tracker” as well. Between the Ewoks, the aforementioned backyard wrestling gags (as a former practitioner, I felt seen), Theo Jr. carrying his nearly pantless old-man on his shoulders, and even the cold open scene at the restaurant was ridiculously intuitive. Track this one down on MAX and watch it, you won’t be disappointed.