Review: Grimsburg “Manchine”


In a failed attempt to catch “The Cartwheel Killer,” Marvin is eager for a new partner who won’t slow him down; Marvin looks for a partner just like him — if not better.

Our Take

Laura Krafft returns with her second written episode of the young series Grimsburg entitled “The Cartwheel Killer” and she does so with one of the funnier episodes of the year thus far. For starters, the idea of “The Cartwheel Killer” is hilariously pulled off and I actually would’ve liked to have spent more time with him. The introduction of the short-lived Mustang character was a tad underwhelming but he had some funny lines.

I think I enjoy some of the gags of the show more than anything else. The cutaway with Joe Biden was great, the knife store was a lot of fun, and Harmony’s tryst with Mayor Dilquez was largely unfulfilling right up until the introduction of the politician’s iron lung-powered wife. Det. Summers’ bit seemed a bit rushed and as a guy who enjoys tech-based characters I was expecting some sort of a showdown between the two bot characters.

I’m going to score this episode a point higher than I normally do because we had some funnier jokes than in prior weeks, but Grimsburg needs to find it’s center to really move forward and I’m not sure we’ve found it just yet.