Review: Grimsburg “And the Winner Is… Murder!”


Marvin finds himself at the judging table of the town’s talent show when a serial killer targets the winner.

Our Take

You can’t have an animated comedy without a yearly talent show and Grimsburg just checked in with theirs. Not only that, but Christina Hendricks guest stars as a serial killer and she does a fantastic job opposite Jon Hamm which should explain the Emmys and the chemistry that the duo has had for all these years.

For my money, this week’s episode was somewhat complacent until we got to the actual talent show which I found rather comical, specifically the various acts of who had some good ideas. Marvin taking a drug to turn off his detective skills was rather clever and made for some entertaining television. This is good because I didn’t really care for Stan’s contributions this week as I felt the premise was good but the plot could have been both better and made long enough for a full A-plot.

With only a couple of episodes left, will Grimsburg give us a grand send-off for its first season or will it be locked up? Keep checking back to find out.