
English Dub Review: Undead Unluck “Undead + Unluck”

By David Kaldor

April 18, 2024

OVERVIEW (SPOILERS)Juiz explains that Fuuko’s favorite manga, To You, From Me, has plotlines that strangely resemble recent events with the Union, which Juiz thinks is because it was made with the use of an Artifact. In order to investigate this and talk to the author, Andy suggests making a manga themselves, which they manage to accomplish and confirm that it also had some scrapped story arcs that reflect things going on right now. They get in touch with the author, Anno Un, who sets up a meeting for them to talk.OUR TAKEThe final story arc of the season properly begins, and boy this is a bit of a swerve from where things were going in the last few episodes. We go from learning basically the secrets of the universe and the potential futility of free well to…making a self-insert manga fanfic in order to force a meeting with a shojo manga author. Then again, that kind of thematic wonkiness and ability to zig zag through the seriousness and the wackiness is part of this show’s charm, so what better way to kick off the fourth quarter? Fuuko’s love of this manga is also a reference to something from the very beginning of the story, with Fuuko having finished reading the end of that story right before deciding to off herself and right before meeting Andy, so it’s also fitting to bring that back for this stage as well. And hey, that girl in a tracksuit from the opening is actually the author Anno Un, but we also see her working with Under (or at least shown alongside them), so perhaps we’ll see that Under has already gotten to her and made her join or they’re after her right now. Anything’s possible.Also worth pointing out that, at least on the fan wiki for the show, this stretch of episodes is called the Autumn Arc, meaning that we might get to see UMA Autumn made use of in this arc. Maybe they’ll even take are of that one and get it off the board, which would be at least some way of progressing this whole Seasonal UMA quest stuff before the season is over. That also reminds me that the OP currently climaxes with a big naked fight between Andy and Victor, which makes me wonder how that’s going to happen if they’re meant to be within the same body at all times. We know now that Billy is the actual leader of Under, at least right now, but maybe the author Anno Un will bring him out with use of that artifact, which I suspect is the fountain pen we see her using in the Opening, and those are pretty commonly associated tools with manga artist characters. And wasn’t it fun seeing how much this show, based on a manga, got in depth with how the manga industry works? Fun meta stuff and I hope it’s not the last we see of that as we head closer to the end of the season.