English Dub Review: Ninja Kamui “Episode 8”


Higan and Emma infiltrate an AUZA facility during an operations test and end up facing Big D in his own armor, barely getting out alive. Later, Emma fesses up to Mike about her being a ninja and the two reconcile.


The significant events for this week are Higan fighting Big D. Unlike Lil, whose every other line was a sexual innuendo, Big D is mainly about being really vain about his looks. But to my surprise, he’s actually rather calculating in battle, as well as setting honorable terms, like when he agrees to give Higan and Emma the info they’re looking for if they can beat him. Feels kinda like a video game boss when you think about it, but it does show he’s got some principles, which at least shows there are some difference in methods among Joseph’s elite guard. I wonder what the Dilly will be like when we finally get some focus on her.

The other bit is that Emma is finally transparent with Mike that she’s actually a big part of this whole Ninja case, which is naturally quite a shock for him when he’s nearly been driven off the police force right before his retirement for getting too involved in this thing. Still, getting to see a flashback between the two about their past was nice. Mike clearly cares quite a bit for Emma, given that he tells her that he considers her family, and while she’s a very guarded person because of her own tragic backstory, she’s no doubt ready to protect him as things get more intense. But he IS a cop who is about two weeks from retirement, so…let’s just say that his narrative prognosis is not exactly good. Though hey, maybe he’ll beat the cliche and live to see his kids again. We’ve only got four episodes left, so things are definitely going to escalate very quickly, with the plans of AUZA ramping up to their final stages, Higan (who I just didn’t feel the need to mention much in this review) learning more about how to use his armor), and definitely more sci-fi Ninja battles on the horizon.