English Dub Review Laid Back Camp “The Izu Camp Trip Begins!”


Akari joins the other campers, and they head out to Izu. They check out various geospots and try the local food.

Our Take

The journey to Izu kicks off with Nadeshiko hilariously sleeping through most of the trip for two days straight, adding a comedic twist to the adventure. Along the way, the group encounters beautiful scenery, although the Inuyama sisters entertain themselves by teasing their friends with playful lies, adding a touch of mischief to the journey.

Meanwhile, Rin relishes her solo tour, demonstrating her resilience and experience as she navigates the locations on her bike. Despite a minor mishap, they manage to find a suitable campsite, surrounded by the stunning sights of Izu. Additionally, plans for a special birthday celebration for two members of the group are in the works, adding excitement to the trip.

Overall, the episode successfully highlights the scenic beauty of Izu while also adding humor and camaraderie among the characters. The use of South American-inspired music enhances the immersive experience of the adventure. But I look forward to seeing part two of the trip next week.