English Dub Review: Gods’ Games We Play “Gods’ Games We Play”



In their (overabundance of) free time, the gods grew bored and decided to create challenging battles of wits to spice things up! Their opponent? Humanity! A select few players called “apostles” meet the gods on the spiritual realm’s playing field to beat the deities at their games.

Our Take:

I’m down for games in anime and love death games, but from what I can tell, nobody dies in these games. They just get granted powers, and if they win enough, they can keep their powers instead of being temporary. So far what this anime feels like is a board game version of Record of Ragnarok with fewer stakes.

The character designs are decent enough, the main character, Fey looks like your typical anime protagonist, and the “God” he’s working with looks a lot like Eris Greyrat from Mushoku Tensei. But I can’t knock a series for character design when it seems that most MCs in anime look very similar.

The first episode didn’t put its hooks in me yet but I think there is a chance it could. Giving people superpowers so they can survive in a shitty world has a decent premise. Not only that but having dinosaurs alive and roaming around was an interesting choice so this could get good fast. Just… not yet.