English Dub Review: TSUKIMICHI -Moonlit Fantasy “The Perverted Dragon”


Lime sets out to investigate hyuman experiments that are secretly being carried out in Rotsgard. He ends up being captured by an underground organization along with Eva. After that, the two manage to escape and meet up with Shin and the others.

Our Take

In this episode, Lime takes center stage as he delves into an investigation surrounding alleged clandestine human experiments in Rotsgard. However, his efforts meet resistance when he confronts a mysterious individual in the newly developed area of Rotsgard Central Academy, leading to his defeat and capture by an underground organization conducting these experiments. With the help of Eva, the librarian of the academy, Lime manages to escape captivity, and together they reunite with Tomoe. Eva’s revelation about her true parentage adds another layer of intrigue to the unfolding events.

Adding to the complexity of the situation, a figure named Luto, described as a Superior Dragon, enters the scene, claiming to have made a pact similar to Makoto’s companions. Luto’s involvement sheds light on the creation of the adventurer’s guild and its underlying purpose, which appears to be controlling the human population indirectly. Despite his opposition to the Goddess, Luto’s actions seem to mirror her nature, hinting at ulterior motives and a deeper understanding of the world’s workings.

Overall, this was quite a good Info-dump of an episode. The possible antagonist of this season (judging from the credits and intro) Luto has finally made his appearance and we finally know more about Makoto’s parents along with other major pieces of information. Especially regarding the potential solutions for Makoto to come back to his world, even though it will be very difficult, However, the “third option” that Luto shared with Tomoe has potential and compels me to see where this goes next!