English Dub Review: The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic “Battalion Commander Rose”


A look back into Rose’s past as a new battalion commander and her relationship with her old team. Just who were they? And where did things go wrong…?

Our Take

This time around, a significant portion of the narrative delves into Rose’s backstory, unfolding events that transpired five years before Usato and his friends found themselves transported to this fantastical world. It’s revealed that even in the past, Rose exhibited strong leadership qualities, leading a mission with her squad, but given how long this is stretched into a two-part storyline, and possibly a two-parter judging from the fates of her squad.

However, given what we know from what was briefly mentioned, it’s hard to get attached to any of her party members though. Rose emerges as the standout member, showcasing both her combat and leadership skills. And despite the audience already knowing what happened which was briefly mentioned by the King, I’m curious to see how it all played out and how it shaped Rose into being an even bigger hard-ass in present day.

Overall, despite this dragging the proceedings, I don’t mind backstory episodes as it was nice to learn more about what drives certain characters. At the very least, it was also interesting that Rose was pretty much the same no-nonsense individual in terms of giving out tough love. I thought she might’ve been more easygoing or relaxed in the past which led to her having a Drill Sergeant attitude in the present day. Up until this point, we mostly saw everything through Usato’s eyes. So, it’s understandable for the audience to delve into Rose’s perspective by having us get to know the troops from her former regiment, even if the episode ended with one hell of a cliffhanger…