English Dub Review: TSUKIMICHI -Moonlit Fantasy “Why Am I a Teacher?!”


Makoto finally arrives in Rotsgard but is shocked to find that he’s somehow ended up registered to take a teacher’s exam instead of one for students. On the way there, he crosses paths with some haughty students of the school…

Our Take

After two semi-filler episodes focusing on some characters who were reportedly supposed to be in Season One, we’re finally back with Makoto and the gang in Rotsgard, where they encounter a situation involving a harassed waitress and some unruly academy students. While Shiki is eager to confront the students, Makoto is more cautious, not wanting to escalate the conflict unnecessarily. However, their attention soon turns to an upcoming academy exam, in which Makoto discovers he has been mistakenly enrolled in a teaching position rather than as a student.

As the exam approaches, Makoto faces a daunting challenge involving obtaining three colored orbs within a short timeframe. Despite his powerful magic abilities, Makoto struggles to complete the task as instructed, Without even trying to, he ends up destroying the orbs each time by accident in his attempts to retrieve them. It’s only when he taps into his understanding of the unspoken aspects of magic that he manages to succeed in obtaining the orbs, albeit not in the required configuration. Additionally, Makoto must contend with an assassin targeting him during the exam, leading to a fun yet comedic ending…

Overall, the episode strikes a decent balance between humor and action, with Makoto’s struggles providing both entertainment and underlying tension as Makoto navigates the challenges of the exam and confronts the threat of the assassin. Also based on some foreshadowed hints in the credits, this episode has the potential to set the stage for Makoto to find out something about his parents while playing the role of a teacher, but I guess that remains to be seen…