Review: Krapopolis “Buy Low, Sell Ty”


Feeling that progress in civilization has hit a wall, Ty works with Hippocampus to create the first currency, which radically changes things for better and worse.


Krapopolis returns for the new year!…and then promptly screws off for at least a couple more weeks, based on the schedule, but whatever it’s back for now! And this episode is an important one as it introduces the root of all evil: FUNGIBLE MONEY. Yeah, remember when this show was announced as coming with NFTs back when those were the hot new things? Well, you may be happy to know they really went through with it! If you’ve got hundreds of thousands of dollars to set on fire, you can pick up a Krapopolis Krap Chicken on Opensea RIGHT NOW! Oh wait, you’re not a fucking idiot? Well, then come do something more lucrative, like reviewing cartoons on the internet!

Oh yeah, the episode. Well, it’s about as good as any of the previous ones, maybe even a little below those, actually. This isn’t really a character focused episode but more about how most of the characters deal with the invention of money. Tyrannis and Hippocampus mainly focus on dealing with the practical issues of introducing and maintaining a currency, which is meant to make society better, but seems to just end up being about keeping power and order. Shlub ends up owning the bar he frequents, but the bar ends up going to Deliria’s temple because she just wants worshippers. And Stupendous…doesn’t really seem to care one way or the other. Who knows if this will carry on into future episodes, but there does seem to be a bit of continuity between episodes so maybe we’ll see if this show has something more to say about the concept of money besides “well, it exists and it has issues but whatever”.

And there is certainly a lot of different things you could say about money, regardless of how you may feel about it. I just don’t really know if this is really the show to explore that, both because of the setting and because it is a FOX animated comedy that airs alongside Family Guy. Then again, this animation lineup has been smart about its subject matter in the past, most especially with King of the Hill, so it’s not without precedent. I just don’t exactly have my hopes up about all of that, though I am plenty fine with that being disproved on that as I reach the minimum wordcount. But we’ll see if any of that ends up happening when Krapopolis returns…presumably sometime this year!