Courtesy: Crunchyroll


English Dub Review: The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash “To Latoto Village”

By David Kaldor

January 20, 2024

OVERVIEW (SPOILERS)Ivy starts trying to survive under her new name, meeting a bunch of new faces along the way, but finds out that her old identity is being hunted.OUR TAKEWhile the first episode was able to get by with just focusing on Ivy’s introduction and meeting Sora the Slime, this episode has to step things up and start introducing other characters and ideas. Life on her own is by no means easy, as Ivy has to resort to hunting her own food, mainly mice and rats, as well as picking up trash for small amounts of money, but she continues to get by with a can-do attitude and slowly forming a bond with Sora, who continues to be a little hard to read due to being a rather unusual slime. Unfortunately, he may be the only consistent face Ivy will have for awhile, as she discovers that she’s being hunted (more than likely by the head of her old village), with bounty hunters and adventurers after her. Based on the Opening, which we get starting with this episode, she’ll be making some more consistent allies soon enough, but right now is for showing how far at rock bottom that she’s starting at. Also the Isekai aspect of this show continues to feel pretty tacked on, with barely any reason to mention she came from another world in the first place.This episode ends with Ivy running from a monster she and Sora can’t face, getting injured in the process and seemingly being attacked by Sora, which Ivy concludes is because Sora is a slime and therefore a monster. This is a pretty obvious fake out for at least a couple reasons. For one, it’s just the second episode or (presumably) twelve, so neither Ivy or Sora are going anywhere for at least a few episodes. Second, we see during the episode that Sora is partial to absorbing blue healing potions, even ones that have apparently spoiled a bit, so it’s more than likely just healing Ivy while she’s injured. And third, the fact that this is used as the episode ending cliffhanger is especially telling because, having seen many fake outs such as this, I know that this is all going to get cleared up pretty early on, so all will be well and the friendship will continue as normal. So that’s kinda cheap. In other matters, the OP and ED follow with the fluffy and nice tones of the show so far, though the ED’s use of english is…certainly interesting, almost as if the song is banking on it being poorly used English as its thing. It has proper sentences at least, but the enunciation is…weird. Maybe I’ll get used to it.