English Dub Review: The Kingdoms of Ruin “Love and Revenge”


Doroka unleashes the true power of her love spell.

Our Take:

Doroka uses her love spell on Adonis. This allows him to easily dispose of Shirousagi. He even uses a powerful ice spell that Chloe once used. The rest of the episode is basically just setting up for what’s next in the story.

This episode falls flat for me. There are a couple of scenes that are somewhat impactful, like what happens after Adonis casts Chloe’s spell. Adonis and Doroka bond a little bit at the end of the episode, which is nice.

Other than that, it just feels disappointing. I said last week that the finale would leave a lot of loose ends, which it does. It addresses some of them, but there are still so many unanswered questions. Not only that, but I’m not impressed with the animation in this episode. It’s been an issue in the past couple episodes and it still persists here.

This is a disappointing finale for an already inconsistent show. I’m not even sure if I would like to see a second season. As long as it’s a little more focused, it might not be so bad. Unfortunately, this one ends on a dull note.