English Dub Review: The Kingdoms of Ruin “Knightfall”


Doroka and Adonis continue their battle with Shirousagi.

Our Take:

Shirousagi continues his assault on Doroka and Adonis. He even goes as far as to rip Doroka’s eyes out of her head and crushes them. Adonis cauterizes her wounds and continues to fight. he has an idea to beat Shirousagi, but it involves Doroka using her magic.

I like that we see a little more of Doroka’s past. She was always ridiculed for her magic and she just took it all the time. Doroka might be nice to naive level, but at least it makes sense now as to why she is that way.

I like Shirousagi’s screen presence. He comes across as a cool villain. That being said, I’m not really feeling the action in this episode. It just feels like the fight is going in circles and it doesn’t always look appealing. The shock and horror of Doroka’s eyes being ripped out is the highlight of the violence. Everything else is just there. I’m curious to see how the fight will end However, since there’s only one episode left, I am positive that there will be a lot of loose ends left to tie up.