Courtesy: Crunchyroll


English Dub Review: The Foolish Angel Dances with the Devil “The Even More Foolish Angel and Demon”

By Ben Schmidt

January 29, 2024



Lily and Akutsu both have everything to prove as they embark upon their new, fraught relationship dynamic. Who will come out on top in the battle for dominance?!

Our Take:

What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object? I have a feeling it will take this whole season for us to find the answer to that. Akutsu seemed to be playing from behind at the beginning of the episode but as it wore on he managed to get in some blows of his own. From how this series looked I thought it was going to be a typical rom-com but something tells me there won’t be romance happening anytime soon.

In anime when it comes to an angel dating a demon that isn’t exactly untread ground. It makes sense because it falls under the same sort of infatuation as we have with Romeo and Juliet. Only this is going to have a lot more BDSM in it apparently. I do hope that it eventually gets to a point where they work together on a common goal and actually fall in love but I have a feeling we are a long way away from that.