English Dub Review: The Ancient Magus’ Bride “Of two evils choose the less.”



The fight begins in earnest as Lizbeth gains the upper hand, but Chise and company receive some unexpected assistance.

Our Take:

First things, first, let’s pour one out for Alcyone. But also let’s give a round of applause for Adam, Philomela’s dad, for having the foresight to see that his mother might use Alcyone against Philomela. So he put a failsafe in her that if malice were used to make Alcyone stop being Philomela’s shield, she would become her sword. I didn’t do that line justice but trust me when you watch the episode you’ll think it’s as badass as I did. The thing I didn’t understand is that a form of Adam came out of Alcyone and started beating the shit out of Lizbeth so I didn’t feel like I needed to understand.

There’s one episode left and this season sure as shit better have a hopeful ending. Philomela has suffered too much and she needs to just be around her friends and love now. This second cour wasn’t quite as cozy and quaint as the first one but after this, I’m hoping we can get back to that but I’m unsure if there’s a third season planned as of now. Either way, we have one more episode left and I hope it’s satisfying.