
English Dub Review: Shangri-La Frontier “The Glimmer of Truth”

By David King

January 09, 2024

Overview Sunraku speaks with Vysache about their plans to defeat Wethermon the Tombguard. After their discussion, Vysache decides to help Sunraku in his endeavor by ascending his weapons…Our Take After hearing the news of Rakuro/Sunraku going up against such a daunting threat, Vysache is less than thrilled with Sunraku’s plans at first, until he explains that the Ashura Kai are exploiting a game mechanic; harvesting experience by starting a fight with Wethermon, then running away without actually fighting. And since he’s only tagging along with Arthur, he won’t directly fight the creature, so Arthur will give Wethermon the fight he deserves. Vysache also feels sympathy for Wethermon due to his tragic history and proceeds to give Sunraku a massive weapon upgrade in his blacksmithing room which is easily one of the best highlights of this episode. Not only is a new character introduced named “Biloc” who’s a female bunny blacksmith with a Brooklyn accent, but the song Vysache sings has a sense of immersion and mysticism during the proceedings, and despite Chris Guerrero’s vocal performance selling it in its epicness, the song itself isn’t in English. I had to turn on subtitles to understand the lyrics. But despite the potential silliness of having to watch a giant human-sized rabbit person pounding a hammer and singing, there’s at least a beauty to be found in it. Of course even after Sunraku gets his weapon upgrade, he still has to reach “Level 50” just to pick up his new toy, meaning he’ll have to grind up to 19 levels for two weeks within the Iron Ruins of the Divinity. Although Rakuro is confused when Arthur gives him an oddly specific object, claiming it’ll come in handy for what’s to come… Overall, this was a decent filler episode. I do like the fact that the plot didn’t just instantly give Sunraku a handout. True, he now has upgraded weapons, but he now must earn the right (and reach a certain level) to wield them which is a refreshing contrast to past Isekai or fantasy/adventure stories within anime I’ve watched where the writing always took the easy way out and instantly gave the protagonist everything they wanted almost without any hardship. But thankfully that wasn’t the case here. I’m curious about the significance of the Object Arthur gave to Sunraku to help him upgrade as it’s something I wouldn’t expect her to give to him, and see where this goes next!