English Dub Review: Ragna Crimson “Action”

Overview (Spoilers Below):
Dragons have another weakness aside from sunlight and silverine: pride. But Ultimatia is not like other dragons.

Our Take:
It didn’t take Ragna and Crimson too long to defeat their first dragon together. Thanks to the knowledge of Silverine freezing dragon magic, the duo and the group of dragon hunters managed to behead Disas, which is good because he was so full of himself in the previous episode. But, of course, that was just the beginning of what’s coming next for the dragon-slaying duo. This week’s episode focuses on Ragna and Crimson’s first battle together and its aftermath and another Monarch who’s surprisingly not as ruthless as the others.
That Monarch, in particular, is Ultimatia, a compassionate angel-winged dragon who arrives in the kingdom of Donapierru to make amends for her subordinate dragon’s misunderstanding of her orders. However, her only solution is to destroy the kingdoms “painlessly” to spare humanity’s pain caused by the war. Her conversation with the kingdom’s ruler, Femud, didn’t turn out well at first, with the king almost killing Ultimatia with a solar weapon. However, his near-death experience at the hands of a disguised dragon, Borgius, made him reconsider, resulting in him helping Ultimatia with her goal.
This episode provided another battle sequence that offers its share of thrills. However, it also introduced us to another possible threat that could test Ragna and Crimson’s teamwork. Ultimatia may be a sympathetic “angel” on the outside, but she’s still a dragon whose goals could result in more people being in danger or worse. Juliet Simmons did a decent job capturing Ultimatia’s personality, so I look forward to seeing how this character develops in future episodes.