English Dub Review: Jujutsu Kaisen “Metamorphosis”



After rescuing Itadori from his predicament, Todo bolsters his morale and encourages him to stand back up. As Mahito kicks things into higher gear, he uses Soul Multiplicity and Body Repel to unleash omni-directional attacks.

Our Take:

Happy Holidays! It’s been a long time since I even had a show to review which is to be expected given it’s holiday time here in the States I did not expect to go quite so long without a show to review but that makes getting back to it even sweeter.

I know that some of you might call me a hater for how I’ve been talking about this series the last few weeks and I suppose you’d be right. But I have to say that no matter what happens there is one thing that this series does just as good as any of the heavy hitters out there and that is the fight scenes. They are super hype and are usually some of the best-animated scenes out there, plus I have to say that the way some of the characters use their powers is pretty ingenious.

Todo lost one of his hands and if you’ve been watching up until now you might know that his main power involves clapping. So how would he use his power without the use of both of his hands? By slapping the hand of his enemy of course! You’re not supposed to touch Mahito but apparently, if it’s only for a split second you can get away with some minor burns.

If Todo dies I really will be pretty damn upset with this series because he’s Yuji’s homeboy. In the locket he wears around his neck there are two pictures, the idol he’s obsessed with and Itadori. I think that says more than enough about how important they are in each other’s lives.