Courtesy: Crunchyroll


English Dub Review: I Shall Survive Using Potions! “I Shall Survive Using Potions!”

By David Kaldor

January 21, 2024

OVERVIEW (SPOILERS)Kaoru gets over her wanting to keep her abilities a secret in order to help make potions to give to multiple villages during a massive plague.OUR TAKEIf you have been keeping up with my reviews of this show, you have probably noticed that I haven’t been a huge fan of it as it has played out, primarily in how Kaoru, its main character, and her special ability of generating potions are handled. I’ll go into these issues more in the Season Review, but I was pleasantly surprised to see that this and previous episodes were actually ones that make use of this ability in some relatively interesting ways. I went into the ways it was used last episode in that review, but as this is the season (and regardless of what the last moments suggest, very likely series) finale, the problem is a full blown pandemic, which is greater in scale. The solution here is pretty obvious, making a potion that instantly cures the disease, but that then brings in all the issues that other people like villagers or nobles or what have you may bring with them. These are all addressed, not in the most interesting ways they could be, but it meets the bare minimum of at least addressing the at least somewhat of the full scope of SOME sort of idea where the ability to create potions like this could make for an interesting dilemma.…I mean, the more I think about, Kaoru probably could’ve just made the potion instantly appear inside people’s bodies and still kept her skills under wraps, but that just gets into the overpoweredness of her abilities overall. I also find it interesting that the episode brings in the cosmic distortions that were what “killed” Kaoru in the first place but doesn’t really do much with that aside from acknowledging “hey those exist and are dangerous”. I’m honestly trying to be more positive with this since it’s the last episode and it is at least above the rock bottom expectations that I had set for this show since the first episode, but…yeah, it’s a little hard to hold onto those good feelings when I actually think about things for a sec. This has been an honestly pretty bad show overall, so even the partially good stuff just highlights the issues that everything that came before had. But, for all its faults, it is over now, and aside from rewatching it all for the Season Review next week, I can at least be glad that it is done with and won’t be dealing with it again.