English Dub Review: Goblin Slayer “The Princess’s Ordeal”



Goblin Slayer and party head into the Dungeon of the Dead to save the Princess.

Our Take:

If goblins are involved then you can bet that my guy will act like he just won the lottery because no one loves killing goblins more like the guy named “Goblin Slayer”. That makes sense I suppose but after how distraught Priestess was after her things were stolen I did wonder if she would even want to rescue someone who did something that bad to her. I should have known better because she wouldn’t want that to happen to anyone after some of the things she witnessed.

I also noticed that Noble Fencer made her reappearance, for those of you who don’t know she was one of the main characters in the Goblin Slayer movie. She seems to be doing better and I have a feeling she will be an important character coming up.

One thing I love about Goblin Slayer is that most might think he’s just a dumb adventurer but when it comes to killing goblins he’s a genius. Some of the ideas he comes up with to kill as many goblins at once as possible are terrifying. If someone did that in any other context they would probably look at him as a villain. I’m sad that next week looks to be our last episode.