
English Dub Review: A Sign of Affection “To Affection”

By David Kaldor

January 28, 2024

OVERVIEW (SPOILERS)Yuki reflects on her newfound feelings for Itsuomi, being unsure if it’s love she’s feeling or just a crush, but her friend Rin (who I got the name wrong for last time) tells her to go with whatever she wants it to be. She thinks on how her time at a deaf school felt so small because there was little to do and only a few students, but once she entered high school things opened up and she wanted to expand her world. Her fascination grows when Itsuomi tells her he’s taking a trip to Laos and gets her a souvenir when he gets back. After talking with him a bit more, with him even saying she’s cute, she decides she really is in love with him.OUR TAKEI guess this is where the story progression and pacing in shojo shows really differs from shonen shows, because while things feel rather like they are moving rather slowly, it actually is progressing at a typical pace. The difference, I think, is that the priorities of those two genres simply are on different things. Shonen shows, being typically action oriented, focus on having a character prepare for an upcoming conflict or long term major goal, while in this case, the focus is on the progression of the relationship between Yuki and Itsuomi, and with more emphasis being on Yuki’s perspective on what her actual feelings are before moving forward. Both are about answering the call to adventure and finishing the first act of a typical story structure, but one is external while the other is more personal. We’re still getting in Yuki’s head a lot, specifically in how her time as someone who is deaf and finding herself mainstreamed has both opened up opportunities for friends and activities but conversely reminded her of her limitations. Now there’s Itsuomi, someone who seems to look past all of that and is well traveled, multilingual, and knowledgeable about the world, while also wanting to learn more about what makes Yuki unique, so it’s no wonder she’d fall for him.We also get a bit more of the characters that will be gravitating around these romantic pursuits. Rin’s basically the same, although we’ll probably see her trying to move ahead with Itsuomi’s cousin Kyoya. Rin’s actual childhood friend, Oshi, gets a clearer appearance, where we establish that while he’s pretty abrasive towards Rin at times, he knows his sign language quite well and is clearly protective of her in his own way. In true anime fashion, he’s probably going to turn out to have feelings for Rin that will make it hard to accept Itsuomi as he becomes a bigger part of her life, but we’ll have to wait and see exactly how that’s going to play out. And based on the Wikipedia article for the show, there’s already at least one other female character who has feelings for Itsuomi, which will no doubt put Rin in conflict as well at some point. Sounds like the makings of a typical rom-com to me, but the fact that Rin’s deafness is a major focus will likely help to make the show stand out at least. Guess we’ll see more of how that unfolds as the story progresses.