
English Dub Review: A Returner’s Magic Should Be Special “Raid; Anti-Mage”

By David King

January 19, 2024

Overview“Raid”Desir, knowing that a magical gem called “The Tear of Regernel” will be stolen by a terrorist group called “The Outers”, takes the initiative to stop them. As expected, the Outer’s leader Kraiken and his followers show up at the Magical Tower. Can Desir protect the magical gem?“Anti-Mage”Desir and Kraiken are now fighting one-on-one over the magic gem. Can Desir protect the magical gem? And what does Desir hope to achieve by protecting it?Our Take This season ends with two dubbed episodes at once. With the first one, we get a bit of an introduction to a new antagonist who for once isn’t one of the students or upper-class shallow douche-monkeys within the school that the entirety of this show has spent on establishing as the haters who are against Desir and his group achieving a high status within their magic school. And for the first few mins, I wasn’t sure how any of this was connected to the show until Pram and Romantica pop up to kick some ass against the “Outers” group, yet Kraiken shows how powerful he is compared to his goons… As for the season finale, the battle intensified with Desir going head to head against this magical terrorist, yet with the way that ended, It’s easy to assume we’re going to see more of these “Outers” again somewhere down the line. As for Desir himself, he also gets to meet an old friend from his previous life and has a chess match and makes a very specific wager with something to offer him if he wins, however, we don’t know what Desir wants if he wins. Later on, there’s a bit of a montage, but at least the post-credits scene shows promise…Overall, this felt like an hour-long special more than two episodes which was an appropriate way to end this Season. But at the very least, I welcomed this since it helped build a sense of escalation and suspense during the proceedings. There’s also a series of plot threads that feel a bit unresolved, and the post-credits scene that I’m not sure will lead anywhere. And the chess scene raised more questions than answers. But since Season 2 was recently announced we can only hope they touch upon these in later storylines since they all seem to have some level of importance. And I’m curious to see where it goes next!