English Dub Review: The Kingdoms of Ruin “The Eyes That Were Lost”


Adonis and Doroka try to defend themselves against Shirousagi.

Our Take:

Shirousagi has found Adonis and Doroka and now, he tries to take them both down. Naturally though, they won’t go without a fight. They try to overpower him with magic, but Shirousagi’s cybernetic enhancements prove to be a formidable match. They also soon discover that Doroka’s love spell won’t work on Shirousagi because another one has already been cast on him.

Shirousagi’s a decent villain. He’s more of a henchmen, but he is the director of the National Intelligence Agency. That makes him a boss to some degree, but he’s still working under Dorothea. I might like him a little more if the show decided to go more in depth on some of its side characters. I had that same issue with the ninja girls in the last episode. We get to see their final moments in this episode, but I still think they could have had a bigger part in this battle.

The action in this episode is inconsistent. Some of the scenes look good and pack a punch. Others look slow and make the fight feel like it’s dragging. This hampers the excitement a bit because it feels like they’re just taking their time. Doroka’s clearly not a fighter and she makes some terrible mistakes that prove that. The most impactful scene is the one at the end of the episode. I’m curious how that will impact the rest of the series.