English Dub Review: The Apothecary Diaries “Wheat Stalks”



Maomao’s peaceful morning at home is interrupted when she’s called in to investigate an apparent double suicide at one of the local brothels.

Our Take:

Oh Maomao, I can’t tell if you say the things you do on purpose or if you’re really that unaware of the things you say. Jinshi was jealous that she used the other guy’s hairpin to get out of the palace for a bit but not only that when she told Jinshi what she gave the man in return it was very clear he might misunderstand. When she described giving him “a blissful night, he won’t soon forget” you could see how he might get the wrong idea.

That was the fun stuff of the episode, but there was a bit of a murder mystery that happened at the beginning of the episode. A courtesan and her customer were seemingly poisoned and it was up to Maomao to save their lives and find out what happened. It turns out the customer was kind of a douche who leads courtesans into believing he will buyout their contract and then he doesn’t follow through. I’m not one hundred percent sure how courtesan contracts work but something tells me that’s a shitty thing to do so I can understand why someone wanted him dead.