Review: Scavengers Reign “The Cure/The Nest/The Mountain”

Overview (Spoilers Below):

The Cure

After receiving a distress call, the crew of a nearby vessel swooped in to hunt for precious cargo.  Then, as Sam’s health continues to fail, Ursula accepts help from a mysterious stranger.

The Nest

Pressured to lead her new companions to the Demeter’s wreckage, Azi embarks on a trek across the planet’s deadly terrain.  Meanwhile, Ursula struggles to keep up with a newly reinvigorated Sam.

The Mountain

After encountering an impenetrable cliffside, Azi must rely on Kris and Barry’s expertise to reach the summit.  Rough waters test Sam’s new abilities as Ursula witnesses the dark side of his evolved state.

Our Take:

We’ve reached the second half of this spectacular series, and things have already gone from bad to worse for the survivors.  However, with every misfortune lies a silver lining that’ll likely help turn things around.  But, of course, as those episodes suggested, those silver linings can only take them so far regarding their survival.  One of them, in particular, is the mysterious stranger who helps Ursula heal Sam’s condition.  However, it’s later revealed that the stranger is attached to a monstrous alien who infects people with its parasites, with Sam being its latest victim.  The episodes depicting this life-threatening obstacle raise the stakes for Sam’s survival.  More importantly, they get points for exploring the stranger’s origin in “The Mountain”, in which she’s the wife of another survivor who got infected by the parasite.

Another silver lining is Azi getting new partners after Levi’s tragic demise.  The people who responded to Azi’s distress call were the space-drilling crew consisting of Kris, Terrance, and Barry.  However, as the episodes progress, we see more of the crew’s hidden agenda while assisting Azi in finding the Demeter, in which they seek the cargo needed to return home rather than help its passengers.  This will likely test Azi’s trust in her new companions, especially since Kris uses dangerous methods to teach Azi to be brave in the face of danger.  As for Kamen, we don’t see much of him in this week’s episodes since he’s still inside Hollow, but that’s what happens when he succumbs to the guilt and pain surrounding him.  With three episodes remaining, I won’t be surprised if Kamen returns to the spotlight for his final chance at freedom.

While this week’s episodes may not reach the emotional heights of the previous three, they continue to showcase the stakes and highly engaging conflicts of the show’s characters.  More importantly, they emphasize the show’s theme of hopelessness, even when things start to turn around for the better.  Sure, it makes for a depressing and disturbing experience for some viewers, but that’s one of the reasons why I’ve been loving Scavengers Reign so far.  It’s one of the animated shows that doesn’t pull punches with their bold choices but also combines them well with thoughtful and engaging storytelling.  Based on how the episodes conclude, I have a feeling that the show’s final stretch is going to be one hell of a roller coaster.