English Dub Review: The Kingdoms of Ruin “The Nation of Witches”


Adonis finds himself in the Nation of Witches, where he learns why the witches really want to revive Chloe.

Our Take:

Doroka’s friend, Anna, fakes Adonis’ death. he is then transported to the nation of Witches. This is a safe haven for witches that is located on the moon, to escape the harsh treatment they receive on Earth.

Adonis learns why the witches exiled Chloe, as well as their true motive for wanting to revive Chloe. Needless to say, it’s not as wholesome as some of the witches originally want Adonis to believe. In fact, it’s kind of morally reprehensible on the witches’ part. I only say “kind of” because the way the humans treat them. However, it does seem they’re not all about equality either.

It’s nice to see a little more of the relationship between Chloe and Adonis. We see a few flashbacks in this episode and they’re pretty touching. I’m not big on the real motive for bringing Chloe back, nor am I big on the witches we see in this episode.

There is a twist at the end of the episode when Chloe is supposed to be revived. Honestly, I saw this twist coming from a mile away. It’s not fully confirmed in the episode what happens, but I’d say it’s pretty obvious. I’m keeping an open mind about how this will shape the plot moving forward, but this episode is another decent addition to this series.