Courtesy: Crunchyroll


English Dub Review: Rent-a-Girlfriend “Family and Girlfriend”; “Parting and Girlfriend”

By Ben Schmidt

September 23, 2023



Sayuri tags along with Kazuya and Chizuru as they scout out the cinema they’ll be screening their movie in, and it brings back memories for her.

With Sayuri’s prospects looking bleak, Kazuya pulls off the only thing he can do for Chizuru and her.

Our Take:

There was a lot of up and down in these two episodes. Anyone who has dealt with loss will feel their heartstrings tug for Chizurua. Kazuya had what is, to me, his most defining moment and promptly ruined it not a few scenes later. I’m going to break things down a little bit here and to do that I need to reference another romance anime I reviewed that just finished up, Masamune-kun’s Revenge R. 

That is a romance anime about high schoolers while this is about college students so you would be led to believe that the characters in this are more mature, or the subject matter will be at the very least. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case because pranks and revenge plot aside, Masamune and all his friends handle their romantic drama with a lot of maturity. Meanwhile, everyone here doesn’t know how to have basic conversations. The most mature character in the series is Chizuru and even she makes some really silly decisions.

Kazuya brings the raw copy of the film to Sayuri’s hospital room so that she can still watch the film before she passes. Then he stays all night waiting for Chizuru so she isn’t alone but after that is when it goes downhill. Instead of deciding to speak with her by knocking on her door or sending her a text message he just books her through her rental agency. I know that’s the premise of the show but it’s just all in poor taste. It’s why this show bothers me so much, it’s the same cycle every arc. Kazuya makes progress but then shits it all down the toilet. But still it was sad seeing Chizuru deal with loss, RIP Granny Sayuri.