English Dub Review: My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999 “I Personally Would Prefer a Love Comedy Ending”

Overview (Spoilers Below):
Thanks to the intervention of the guild members led by Yamada, the predicament caused by Runa’s prank was resolved. Akane also accepts Runa’s apology, who takes such a liking to Akane that she starts to visit Akane’s home frequently. Now that the two have developed a good friendship, Akane also begins spending lots of time playing FOS and finally becomes friends with Yamada in-game. However, after spending so much time playing the resource-heavy online game on her laptop, it suddenly explodes….

Our Take:
Well, we got some good news and bad news regarding this week’s episode. The good news is that Runa is starting to warm up to Akane after her cruel prank got her into trouble. The bad news is that her childish personality is left intact. However, the episode explains why Runa was like this, as she’s been pampered by her parents and Eita since she was little. As a result, Runa became spoiled and bitter, causing her to have trouble making friends outside FOS. That is until she met and befriended Akane. Of course, Runa still has a long way to go to become a true friend to Akane, especially since she becomes jealous about sharing Akane with Momo.
Additionally, we see Akane and Yamada becoming closer than ever following Yamada’s apology tweet and becoming friends in FOS. So, one has to wonder whether it means the two distinct gamers would take their relationship to the next level. Well, Runa doesn’t want to wait around to find out, thanks to her latest scheme: the “Love Comedy Ending” trick.
This occurs when Eita sends Yamada and Runa to visit Akane to help her repair her short-circuited computer. Using the “love comedy ending” routine, Runa attempts to push Akane into an awkward position with Yamada. However, it wound up being more painful than embarrassing, resulting in Akane accidentally injuring Yamada’s eye with her hair. Thankfully, it wasn’t a colossal disaster, although Yamada seemed nervous about Akane being this close to him.
Overall, the episode did a decent job exploring more of Runa via her flashback. While her bitterness and troublemaking attitude are still present, Runa does show signs of gradually becoming more tolerable than she was in the last two episodes. Since my first introduction to Runa was anything but endearing, I would consider this a win. We also see more of Akane and Yamada’s relationship becoming a roller coaster in a typical rom-com fashion, with them becoming closer only to drift away again due to Runa’s latest strategy. However, unlike Akane’s computer, it has enough charming and comical moments to keep the series from short-circuiting.