Courtesy: Netflix


English Dub Review: My Happy Marriage “Light in the Darkness”

By Marcus Gibson

September 20, 2023

Overview (Spoilers Below):

Miyo’s powers are everyone’s last hope of waking Kiyoka from his unconscious state. But before she can rescue him, she must face the shadow of her past.

Our Take:

Kiyoka has put much effort into saving Miyo from danger throughout the season. However, it looks like Miyo will be doing the saving this time, as Kiyoka fell unconscious while combating the Grotesqueries, trapping him in a hellish realm surrounded by the creatures. Her only hope is to use her recently unlocked Dream Sight ability to wake him up. This actually comes full circle regarding the circumstances of these characters. The first half of the season showcased Kiyoka saving his fiancé with his powers. Now, we have Miyo using her own supernatural abilities to save her husband in the season finale. If that isn’t another reason we should root for their relationship, I don’t know what will.

If “Determination and Thunder” serves as a closure to Miyo’s torment by the Saimori family, then “Light in the Darkness” is a satisfying end to her self-doubt about herself and her future with Kiyoka. As Miyo searches for Kiyoka in the dreams, she winds up in the Saimori house. There, she encounters a shadow version of Miyo, who fears hurting others and herself, shrouding her with depressing thoughts. Fortunately, Miyo chose to have faith in herself thanks to her desire to be happy with Kiyoka while accepting the scars she received from the past. As a result, Miyo became what the title suggested: a light in the darkness that rescues Kiyoka from the Grotesqueries and even the Emperor.

Unsurprisingly, the episode ended on a positive and emotionally fulfilling note, with Kiyoka and Miyo finally finding peace and happiness and attending the party together. Overall, the finale is undoubtedly a great way to conclude one of the best anime shows of 2023, thanks to its animation and heartfelt ending. I didn’t expect to love My Happy Marriage that much at first, considering my taste in romance in movies and television. However, the series proved me otherwise by providing a highly compelling journey of self-discovery, happiness, and love that fits almost perfectly with its fantasy elements. I’ll explain further why it’s worth watching on Netflix in my upcoming season review. Until then, do not sleep on this one.