English Dub Review: Link Click “Confrontation”


Cheng Xiaoshi comes face-to-face with Qian Jin and Li Tianchen.

Our Take:

Li Tianxi and Cheng Xiaoshi are taken to Qian Jin and Li Tianchen. All of the pieces of the puzzle are starting to come together. We learn who gave Lu Guang the photo and what actually happened to Qian Jin’s wife. I’m not surprised by what I learned, but the reveal is still intriguing.

I like seeing the dynamic between the two siblings. Li Tianxi is clearly against what her brother is doing and she just wants all the madness to stop. Li Tianchen, on the other hand, is so consumed by hatred that he wants to end Cheng Xiaoshi’s life. He’s upset that Cheng didn’t change anything when he entered the photo. I guess he’s unaware that changing past events is against the rules.

There’s a lot of tension in this episode from beginning to end, especially in the latter moments. So much happens in such short time and the unexpected happens at the very end. With episode to go, this season is building up to an intense conclusion.