English Dub Review: Reborn as a Vending Machine, I Now Wander the Dungeon “Boxxo Is Abducted”


A gang of thieves carts Boxxo away so they can extract his money, but the real surprise turns out to be the individual who’s supposed to figure out how to pull off the theft…

Our Take

Boxxo is kidnapped by thieves with one of the thugs being Gugoyle, the hunter who tried to break him open previously. Hoping to get at the silver inside him, they take him to their hideout with a kidnapped magic item engineer, who turns out to be Lammis’ friend Hulemy. She and Boxxo quickly become friends and with her expertise, she realizes Boxxo is a sentient being that contains a human soul. That night, the thieves sneak in to attack Hulemy in her sleep, but Boxxo persuades them to leave by dispensing pornographic magazines. The thieves’ leader gives her two days to break Boxxo open or she will die.

Shortly before the deadline, the hideout is attacked by Lammis and every member of the Hunter’s Association. The attack sets off explosives that bury Boxxo and Hulemy under rubble. They survive inside Boxxo’s shield, which he strengthens when Hulemy stuffs him full of every gold coin from the thief’s stash. Lammis eventually finds and reunites with Boxxo and Hulemy. Kerioyl is revealed to have uncharacteristically aided in Boxxo’s rescue for free, though he insists it is a ploy to eventually have Boxxo join Menagerie of Fools and help Kerioyl with his own agenda…

Overall this was a surprisingly good episode that introduces another new character in the form of Hulemy. As a character, she’s surprisingly likable, and I also kinda like the chemistry she has with the Boxxo, and comes across  as quite a smart and resourceful individual. As for the rest of the story, part of me knew that sooner or later some greedy jerks would try to hijack Boxxo to some capacity, but as always Boxxo found clever and creative ways to give his kidnappers the proverbial middle finger despite not having hands. Now that the status quo has slightly changed, what could happen next?