English Dub Review: My Unique Skill Makes Me OP Even at Level 1 “A Beautiful Girl Appears”


Ryota gets his license to explore dungeons below Level 5 and discovers ways to combine bullet attacks in the process, so he gets a second gun to make better use of them. He’s then asked to settle a dispute in a nearby village and sets out with Emily, finding out that monsters can spawn from trash if it’s not burned, and this other village has a lot of trash. Upon arriving, the two see a fire mage clearly overworked by burning all the trash, who soon falls over in exhaustion.


So uh…is the Beautiful Girl that appears the fire mage at the end? She seems to be one of the girls that makes up what the complete group along with Ryota, Emily, the rabbit girl, and a brown haired girl in green, so I’m not gonna deny this character is probably gonna be important, but she’s hardly even remotely close to the focus of this episode like the title implies. If anything, the title should be something like “License to Kill” or something like that, but I guess I shouldn’t be expecting too much if they seriously went with “Kill All the Little Black Things” for the third episode. My point is that the title just plain stinks, though that’s hardly off brand for this show. We’re now basically half way and it’s possibly the most mundane take on a fantasy isekai I’ve seen in a good long while, with a budget to match. With something like getting a license for dungeon exploring, you would think that there would be more things that could be used or learned in order to show one has the scruples to kill bigger monsters and explore more complex routes, but instead it’s just “can you kill this thing? Great, you can move on ahead now!”

Maybe it gets more complex for higher levels, like being put in more moral dilemmas or keeping knowledge of the increasingly complex monsters or environments, but I don’t really expect much. So far, the main unique feature of this world seems to be how stray items becomes monsters, which seems more like just a lesson to burn your trash, something that isn’t really applicable here in the states. And as for the connection to the real world, as in the only thing that really makes this much of an isekai, Ryota is just happy to not be overworked, but it looks like that’s not something you can avoid forever as we see with this fire mage. I’m guessing the two of them will bond over that and she’ll join him after he and Emily help her out with all this trash. And after that, based on what we’ve seen of her so far, I can’t imagine she’ll spice up the group dynamic that much, between Emily just being a pleasant and competent little girl, the rabbit just being into carrots, and Ryota just being…the protagonist in an isekai. Let’s just move onto the second half and get this over with.