Review: HouseBroken “Who’s Afraid of Boomsday Again?” ; “Who’s God?”


“Who’s Afraid of Boomsday Again?”

Honey and Chief are sedated by Jill to calm their nerves during fireworks; Chief dreams that he is a crusader in Washington, D.C., on a mission to put an end to fireworks once and for all; Honey dreams that she is a bipedal poodle.

“Who’s God?”

When Jill is forced to put a shock collar on Chief, he assumes the zaps must be direct messages from God and dedicates himself to spreading the gospel; Nibbles attempts to befriend Tabitha by sucking her into a “Strangers on a Train” murder pact.

Our Take

After a month we finally get two new episodes but then the show doesn’t return until the 23rd so we’re looking at another, albeit, gap in between new episodes. In any case both episodes were quite a bit of fun, especially “Who’s Afraid of Boomsday Again?” which is a great way for fans of BoJack Horseman to get a little taste of what they used to have on Netflix. That said, HouseBroken’s anthropomorphic episode was a tad inconsistent in that we had horse characters riding horses and raccoon characters petting cats. My take, go one way or the other. Anthropomorphic or not anthropomorphic. Still though, an entertaining episode.

“Who’s God?” is an entertaining satire on “anybody will believe anything you tell them these days” which is a theme becoming ever more effervescent with the rise of TikTokers and YouTubers that all claim to know everything nowadays. The murder pact bit was silly but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

A solid week for HouseBroken we just have to see a bit more consistency in the scheduling from FOX. In this day and age of networks pissing off writers, doing shit like inconsistent scheduling shouldn’t be tolerated as its difficult for a newer series like HouseBroken to find its audience and promote cool things like the fact that David Spade guest starred along with a host of other cool features about the franchise.