Courtesy: Crunchyroll


English Dub Review: Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear “Tale of a Bear”

By Ben Schmidt

July 03, 2023



Misana is kidnapped by a masked man, putting Yuna into a rage. She immediately has Kumayuru and Kumakyu track down Misana’s whereabouts. It’s time for Yuna to deal with some trash that needs to be taken to the curb.

Our Take:

I’m going to be sad that this one is over and regret not giving it a shot. As big as that regret for me is it can’t be as big as the regret the people who kidnapped Misana have. I’ve never seen Yuna as angry as she was when she found out that her friends had been hurt and Misana kidnapped. Overpowered characters are nothing new in an isekai story but I have to admit that Yuna might have to be one of the best. She’s quiet and not cocky until you piss her off then she’s going to let you know you messed up.

I might have slept on this show but don’t make the same mistakes as me. I’ll go more in-depth with my season review but this was a fun watch. The animation was good, the characters were enjoyable and the voice acting was great. What I thought was a dumb show about bears ended up being a whole lot more.